Health Is Your Wealth

Navigating the health space in South Africa has been nothing short of fascinating. SA is an emerging economy and has been trying hard to make private healthcare accessible to much if not all of the population. This may not seem like reality but there are options Boulderson can inform you of your circumstance providing the clarity to put you and your family’s mind at ease, taking the Government’s National Health Insurance proposal into consideration. Speak to one of our Healthcare Consultants. It will make all the difference.

Medical Aid

Medical Schemes act was promulgated in 2002. from then up until now we have been on a uphill battle to get our clients the best cover. And our clients are winning.

Gap Cover

Mitigate shortfalls and co-payments on your Medical Aid. We will navigate the fine print as always.

Rewards Programme

A great by-product of subsidising your medical costs is considering rewards programs. Boulderson is contracted to Vitality, Multiply and Reality.

Medical Insurance

Approximately 80% of the population does not have access to private medical care. This is because of the unbelievable cost of private healthcare. Let us unpack other options to consider.